Friday, March 20, 2009

Angry Rant #1

Alright, I totally lied. I said I would try and post every single day. Well that ended up not happening. But today was eventful (w00t! eventful!). But first we have to go to a early February, our entire school had an assembly at our North Campus field house. Every year there is a "contest" to see who can shout the loudest. And every year the seniors win. The prize? A free burrito from Chipotle. But since our superintendent is retiring this year, he decided to try something new. He said on a certain date, the entire school could have free burritos. This caused a huge uproar on the senior side. Today, in our school newspaper, the seniors were, once again, complaining that the whole school getting free burritos is unfair saying, and I quote: "What have the freshmen done to deserve this? And the answer is nothing." Are you fucking serious?!?! Firstly, it's a burrito! Get over yourself. You could make one for free at home. Secondly, you go right out saying that freshman, like myself, have not done anything this year? We worked as hard, if not twice as hard as this bunch of senior scum! Do you know how hard it is to progress from one school to another? We had to get used to high school after spending 2 or 3 years of our life in middle school. So in my opinion, everyone should get the burritos. The freshmen and juniors, for doing a good job in a new school. And the sophomores and seniors, for being the best top dogs in their specific schools. These mature seniors went on to say that giving burritos to everyone upsets the tradition where only seniors get the burritos, which has always been thought of as a congratulatory award. Seriously guys, it's a burrito. Give me one of those and I'll finish it in ten minutes. Twenty years from now you won't even remember what it tasted like. Need another award of some type. How about a...uh...HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA! How's that for a congratulatory award. Something you could keep forever that is much more memorable. I mean come on, years from now when I'm sitting with my children, I'm not going to be saying: "Oh! This reminds me of a time when we seniors screamed the loudest at our high school and won a free burrito." XD So until the seniors grow up and realize it's just a burrito and get over their big fat egos, they're going to have to expect a big uprising on their hands from these so-called "lazy freshmen."

My rant has ended, let us go in peace.

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